configuration, launch, diagnostics
- Gaining information about Siemens Motion solutions
- Acquiring knowledge about properties of electric drives
- Gaining practical skills of preparing projects in the Simotion system
- Learning to program, operate and diagnose Simotion systems
- Learning about the way Simotion system interacts with operator panels
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See the laboratory
day 2 h. 8.00 - 16.00
day 3 h. 8.00 - 16.00
day 4 h. 8.00 - 16.00
day 5 h. 8.00 - 13.00
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0048 32 4111 000
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Course program
- Basic information about Siemens Motion systems:
- complex Siemens Motion solutions
- cheap solutions for less demanding applications based on traditional converters and traditional PLCs
- easy Motion Control
- Motion systems based on technology function modules for the Simatic S7 system
- dedicated technology controllers for the Motion S7315T/S7317T solutions – solution developed by the PLC department at Siemens
- Simotion – Motion system developed by the PLC department at Siemens
- modular solutions for the converter used in Siemens Motion systems – S120 converter
- dedicated motors for Motion applications – synchronous and asynchronous motors with feedback
- design and configuration software – Sizer / Starter / S7 Technology / Simotion Scout, programming language based on OpenMotion library
- Electrical properties of drive systems:
- operation of AC motors
- ways of connecting motors
- motor nameplate / drive with digital busbar and electronic nameplate
- converter-based motor drive
- Fundamentals of Sinamics S120 converters used in the Simotion system:
- a family of Sinamics drive systems
- drive system versions for the Sinamics S120 family
- typical drive applications for the S120 system
- design of Sinamics S120 converters – presentation of individual modules, control units (CU), power modules (PM) / Active Line Modules (ALM)
- motor modules
- motors used in the systems based on the S20 converter – high torque motors, linear motors, synchronous and asynchronous standard and specialist transmitters used as feedback for the motors and to determine the position (incremental and absolute encoders / resolvers)
- S120-based possibilities of controlling the motor – U/f, vector and servo-control
- auxiliary drive functions – automatic start, speed trace function, kinetic buffering, Vds regulation
- functions connected with testing and diagnostics of the drive system – control panel, option Trace – variation diagrams registered in the drive memory, auto adaptation of PID regulators used in regulation modes of drive system operation
- embedded safety functions – Safe Torque OFF (STO), Safe Stop 1 (SS1), Safe Stop 2 (SS2), Safe Operational Stop (SOS), Safety Limited Speed (SLS), Safe Direction (SDI), Safe Speed Motor (SSM), Safe Brake Control (SBC)
- Sinamics S120 in the positioning mode, configuration of the mechanical connections (a notion of an axis)
- practical assembly of the modular Sinamics S120 system – power supply of the drive system, connections between the modules, communication networks, drive digital network Drive-CLIQ
- summary of the benefits / advantages of using the Sinamics S120 drive system
- Setting up a project for the drive system used during the course:
- adding the project to the control unit used in Simotion systems without the Simotion Integrated(CU320) function – restoring the factory settings of the drive
- restoring the factory settings of the drive
- automatic online configuration of the drive
- test setup with control panel
- Trace tool – graphic representation of all data connected with the drive operation
- VAT table – view of the selected parameters
- manual and automatic speed regulator optimization – regulator parameters settings
- extended functions of the system – regulator, easy positioning, Homing
- test launch of the drive via Control Panel in the positioning mode – setting the reference position – Homing, approaching the specified position in the test mode
- Basic information about the Simotion system:
- modern approach to machine construction based on the electric control and Motion systems
- Siemens offer with regard to Motion technology
- Motion system operating mechanisms
- hardware platforms for Simotion – C/P/D
- possible configurations of Simotion D – system components
- integration of the Simotion system into Siemens automation systems (TIA – Totally Integrated Automation) – using standard modules of the Simatic system
- Simotion scout engineering software – configuration possibilities
- Setting up a project for the Simotion system used during the course:
- adding Simotion unit used during the course to the project – hardware configuration
- communication settings – communication frame used by Simotion
- manual configuration of the Sinamics drive integrated in the Simotion module - Sinamics Integrated for the particular drive axes
- automatic configuration of the drive
- test launch of the Sinamics Integrated system and its optimization
- technological objects – definition of real and virtual technological axes, auxiliary encoders
- notions of rotational, linear and modulo axes
- possibilities connected with synchronization of drives – virtual leading axis
- test launch of the configured technological axes
- Trace module for the technological objects – graphic representation of the selected parameters in the form of a diagram
- view of the selected parameters for the technological part using VAT tables
- electronic cam object – CAM (CamTool)
- Programming of the Simotion system:
- program thread system – Tasks
- program unit, global variables for the system
- error handling connected with technological objects
- programming the system using graphic language LAD/FBD (Ladder Diagram/Function Block Diagram)
- sample user application using LAD/FBD language
- LAD /FBD program monitoring
- programming the system using graphic language of step sequence MCC (Motion Control Chart)
- sample user application using MCC language
- programming the system using structure language ST (Structured Text)
- ST program monitoring
- sample user application using ST language
- loading program blocks for the Simotion controller
- change of the central unit operation mode
- assigning the programs in the executive program thread system
- types of variables in Simotion – system, global and local user variables
- transfer of information between the program units
- practical exercises based on creating the sample Motion application – motion commands, motion towards the specified position, synchronization of the drive axes
- Diagnostics and operation of the Simotion system:
- operation mode switches and status signalization lights
- Simotion memory model
- Interaction of the Simotion system with HMI devices such as operator panel:
- developing the correct application for the operator panel connected with the Simotion system
- central unit CU320 in the Profinet version
- power module in the SmartLine version with the input choke
- double-motor converter module
- S7300 PLC to be used with Profinet
Step7 software with a tool to operate drive systems and motion controller – Simotion Scout. Simotion software gives user a choice between different programming languages:- graphic language with Motion Control Chart (MCC)
- most commonly used in PLC using ladder logic (LAD)
- function block diagram (FBD)
- structure text (ST)

The entire parameterization process takes place in graphic masks: configuration, programming, testing and start up. The software also offers intuitive handling, contextual help and automatic, extremely useful support with optimizing and troubleshooting.
In Simotion, motion tasks are tackled in the same manner, easily and independently on the type of a machine. In order to accomplish that, multi-layer architecture has been collected into one executive system. SIMOTION SCOUT offers similar functionality to PLC, programming complying with the standard EIC 6113-3 and cam control. It is also possible to expand the possibilities of the basic functions thanks to technological sets and function libraries.
Technology structure of the project includes:- All the devices (controller, drive etc.)
- All technological objects (axes, cams etc.)
- User programs in the filtered hierarchical views
About us
Our experts
Expert in automation with over 20 years of experience supported by implementations of complex industrial automation systems and maintenance of large production lines including the first PCS7 installation in Poland. He is a graduate from the faculty of Automatic Control, Electronics and Computer Science of the Silesian University of Technology.
His professional career is primarily focused on PLC and SCADA programming; he has completed numerous complex projects and contributed to the modernization of many automation systems. He has worked as a teacher for over 10 years and has successfully trained many young engineers. Students see him as a passionate and active tutor with extensive professional knowledge.
He specializes in SIEMENS products and systems such as: SINAMIC s7 300/400, SIMATIC STEP 7, TIA PORTAL, PROTOOL, PCS7, WINCC FLEXIBLE, WINCC, WINCC PROFESSIONAL, MICROMASTER and SINAMICS S,G drives. He is the author of many excellent documentations and course programs and the courses tutored by him are particularly valued by the participants
- Comfortable two people workstations
- Groups of max. 8 participants
- Acquisition of practical abilities thanks to numerous exercises Acquiring practical skills thanks to numerous exercises
- Professional course materials: textbooks, instructions, catalog, technical documentation and other publications,
- A group of well-experienced tutors working in reputable industrial companies and technical schools
- Writing supplies
- Analysis of individual training needs
- Professional equipment and software
- Certificates of course completion for the participants (both in Polish and English)
- Catering (coffee breaks, lunch)
During each training day, participants receive:
- Unlimited access to the Cechownia Cafe coffee bar, serving tea and high-quality freshly ground coffee. The bar is equipped with:
- NECTO Karisma - a professional espresso machine of Italian production.
- THERMOPLAN BW 4 - a professional espresso machine made in Switzerland.
- Two-course dinner - a combination of traditional, home-made flavors with meals served in restaurants.