Well-Perceived Company 2021
Third consecutive year EMT-Systems has won the title of “Well-Perceived Company”. It honours companies that stand out in terms of their activity in the area of corporate social responsibility. Another key element taken into account during the assessment process is the staff policy, including the implementation of equality tools and procedures. Marlena Maląg, the minister of family and social policy, took the honorary patronage of the contest.
The competition is organised by Busniess Centre Club as part of the Human Capital Operational Programme.
The award was received by CEO Grzegorz Wszołek from deputy mayor of Katowice Mr Bogumił Sobula and vice-president of the BCC board Mr Eugeniusz Budniok.
Diamond for the Statuette Ceasar of Silesian Business 2021
On October 17th, in the concert hall of the Polish Radio National Symphony Orchestra in Katowice, prestigious awards were presented to entrepreneurs during the 25th anniversary gala of Katowice Business Centre Club Lodge. These included Ceasars of Silesian Business, Diamonds and State Decorations, as well as Silesian Medals of Social Solidarity which were granted to entrepreneurs known for their charitable activity and social involvement.
Innovator of Silesia 2021
In connection with the pandemic situation and limitation in people movement EMT-Systems introduced interactive live on-line trainings with a remote access to its educational software and didactic stations.
This innovative idea was acknowledged during the prestigious gala of Innovator of Silesia, whose main aim is to promote and award the most innovative entities from the Silesian Voivodeship. EMT-Systems received a special award in the category of Small Enterprise. The winners are selected by a 12-person Commitee which includes representatives of town councils, the entrepreneurnscientific world, organizations supporting business and entrepreneurs from different fields.
See the catalogue which enlists the descriptions of all the innovative entries.
Golden Badge of Honour for Merit for Silesian Voivodship 2021
On September 4th in the multi-purpose sports and entertainment venue Arena Gliwice, the 27th Gala of the Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry took place which gathered a number of illustrious guests from the worlds of economy, politics and science.
Grzegorz Wszołek received the highest civil decoration granted by the Regional Assembly of the Silesian Voivodship – the Golden Badge of Honour for Merit for Silesian Voivodship. The medal was presented to EMT-Systems for the overall activity and contribution to the economic and social development of the voivoidship.
During the gala the winners of the “Silesia Brand” competition were also announced. EMT-Systems was awarded a disctinction in the Economy category. The trophy honours organizations which siginificantly contribute to the development of the region. The contest is organized by the Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Gliwice together with the Regional Assembly of the Silesian Voivodship as well as Dziennik Zachodni (newspaper), TVP3 Katowice (TV) and Radio Katowice.
European Medal 2021
We are pleased to announce that yet another year we have been awarded with the prestigious European Medal, which was handed to Grzegorz Wszołek by the vice-president of the BCC board, Mr Eugeniusz Budniok. This edition of the contest awarded our trainings in Power Hydraulics i Industrial Pneumatics.
The training programs cover a complete range of issues in regards with power hydraulics and industrial pneumatics. In total there are 21 courses varying in sophistication and addressees. They are based on hand-on exercises conducted on real industrial machines and devices placed in our laboratories. This ensures obtaining practical skills which in turn helps to enhance independence when working wth hydraulic and pneumatic systems.
A-Game Company 2020
EMT-Systems has been awarded with the A-Game Company title! This national plebiscite singles out those entrepreneurs whose high quality of services stands out in the Polish market. This prize is very precious to us especially in these hard times of the pandemic. It proves we have susscessfully managed to adjust our highly practical trainings to the on-line mode and we have maintained our leading position among technical trainings providers.
Marka-Śląskie w kategorii USŁUGA
On October 17th 2020, in the multi-purpose sports and entertainment venue Arena Gliwice, the XIth Gala of the “Silesia Brand” contest took place. Director Piotr Podgorski collected the main award in the “Services” category.
The “Silesia Brand” award marks the culmination of the collaborative work of the whole EMT-Systems staff, our perseverance and passion. Every year we extend our training offer so it is perfectly suited for the needs of modern industry. We engage in a variety of challenging projects which allow us to implement innovative ideas. This year we have transformed part of courses on-line which forced us to further digitize some of our processes.
European Medal 2020
European Medal numebr 5! This year the award was granted to our practical 3D Printing trainings. High level of applicability and advanced individual training stations are the elements which were especially appreciated. We are the first training cantre in Poland which provides the trainees with workstations consisting of two different 3D printers: Ultimaker 3 and Prusa i3MK3.
- Promoting high quality products and services offered by companies operating on the Polish market
- Inducing interest in European standards i przepisami obowiązującymi w Unii Europejskiej
- Upublicznienie w Polsce i w Unii Europejskiej przykładów dobrej jakości i promocja metod jej osiągania
- Pobudzenie zainteresowania wielomilionowym rynkiem Unii Europejskiej wśród polskich przedsiębiorców
- Pobudzenie zainteresowania konsumentów i przedsiębiorców z krajów Unii Europejskiej laureatami Medalu Europejskiego
Firma Dobrze Widziana 2020
Najbardziej prestiżowy klub biznesu w Polsce Business Centre Club już drugi rok z rzędu przyznał nam tytuł Firmy Dobrze Widzianej. Konkurs wyróżnia przedsiębiorstwa prowadzące biznes odpowiedzialny społecznie. Ocenie podlegała także polityka firmy wobec pracowników, w tym przestrzeganie zasad równouprawnienia, narzędzia i procedury wewnętrzne sprzyjające wyrównywaniu szans zawodowych kobiet i mężczyzn oraz skuteczność i metody komunikacji wewnętrznej i zewnętrznej firmy.
Kapitułę konkursu „Firma Dobrze Widziana 2020” tworzyli: Paweł Łukasiak (przewodniczący) – prezes Akademii Rozwoju Filantropii w Polsce, Marek Goliszewski – prezes BCC, Paweł Oksanowicz – dziennikarz Radio Muzo.FM, Piotr Onikki-Górski – dyrektor Biura Kontaktów Społecznych BCC, ksiądz Andrzej Sikorski – prezes Fundacji „Być Bardziej”, Aleksander Polański (sekretarz konkursu) – dyrektor Biura Organizacji Gal i Konkursów BCC.
Patronat honorowy nad konkursem objęła Marlena Maląg – Minister Rodziny, Pracy i Polityki Społecznej.
Firma na Medal 2020
Konkurs „Firma na Medal” wyróżnia przedsiębiorstwa kierujące się w swoich działaniach rynkowych postawą „wszystko dla klienta” oraz takimi wartościami jak uczciwość, rzetelność i odpowiedzialność społeczna. Laureatami zostają firmy, dla których satysfakcja klienta i wysoki poziom zadowolenia z oferowanych usług to cel działalności biznesowej. Klient jest najważniejszy – to domena pracy zespołu EMT-Systems, tym bardziej cieszymy się, że znaleźliśmy się w gronie wyróżnionych.
Otrzymany prestiżowy Certyfikat Jakości potwierdza:
- wiarygodność rynkową firmy,
- działania w interesie klientów,
- przestrzeganie wysokich standardów w relacjach z klientami,
- solidność i rzetelność,
- wysoką jakości oferowanych usług,
- uczciwość wobec swoich partnerów biznesowych, konsumentów i kontrahentów,
- przynależność do grona znanych i cenionych polskich przedsiębiorstw.
Konkurs odbył się pod honorowym patronatem Dziekana Wydziału Zarządzania Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Dziekan Wydziału Zarządzania i Komunikacji Społecznej Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, Kierownika Katedry Badań Zachowań Konsumentów Szkoły Głównej Handlowej w Warszawie oraz Kierownika Katedry Marketingu Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego.
A-Game Company 2019
The “A-Game Company” competition awards enterprises which follow the “everything for the customer” principle and whose business activity is based on virtues such as honesty, reliability and social responsibility. The prize is awarded to these companies whose main business aim is to fulfill the customer’s needs.
Diamond for the Golden Statuette of the Leaders of Polish Business 2019
On Jan 25th 2020, during the Great Gala of the Polish Business Leaders in the Grand Theatre – National Opera in Warsaw, the CEO of EMT-Systems collected the Diamond for the Golden Statuette of the Polish Business Leaders. The prize is awarded to companies which have maintained or improved their business position since the time they were awarded the Golden Statuette.
The jury, apart from financial ratios, considers the quality and novelty of the services, the level of investment as well as charitable activity and ecological awareness. The award is considered to be one of the most prestigious economic prizes in the world of Polish business.
European Medal 2019
Our Electrical Engineering and Automation trainings were awarded by Business Centre Club with the Honorary Patronage of the European Economic and Social Committee and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Poland. This is the fourth European Medal for our courses. This distinction is awarded to those products and services which fulfill the highest European standards.
Our innovative approach to training was appreciated – we have construcetd unique, original didactic workstations equipped with real industrial components composed into a control cabinet model. Participants of our courses can learn to do things from scratch and make mistakes in a safe environment.
The trainings are addressed at mechanics, technologists and people starting their careers in maintenace who lack skills in electrical engineering and automation. Our courses help to shorten the time necessary for familiarizing the staff with the job roles and responsibilities.
Polish Intelligent Development Award 2019
We proudly inform that we have been awarded the Polish Intellignet Development Award in the category of “Innovative technologies of the future”. The award recognizes our dedication in creating technical courses which focus largely on the practical side through investments in innovative infrastructure, such as creating an ultra-modern Plastics Processing Laboratory, a 3D Printing Laboratory, a Power Hydraulics and Industrial Pneumatics Laboratory, a CNC Lab and a Conventional Milling Machines and Lathes Laboratory as well as developing the Industrial Robots Laboratory.
The award is presented to those organizations and individuals who aim their operation activity at the future. All projects, investments and undertakings realized by the laureates can be described as innovative and serve as best examples of sustainable and intelligent development.
Mediation Welcoming Company
Company Well Perceived 2019
EMT-Systems has been granted the title of Company Well Perceived. This certificate confirms our philosphy of sharing information on corporate social responsibility as well as our engagement in social welfare. Another important factor taken into consideration by the jury was company employee policy, including compliance with the principles of equal rights as well as tools and internal procedures encouraging the equality of opportunity for men and women.
We are very honoured and want to thank the jury of the contest: Paweł Łukasiak – president of Akademia Rozwoju Filantropii in Poland, Marek Goliszewski – president of Business Centre Club, Paweł Oksanowicz – MUZO.FM journalist and father Andrzej Sikorski – president of Fundacja Być Bardziej.
Polish Business Leader – Golden Statuette 2018
Grzegorz Wszołek collected a Golden Statuette of the Polish Business Leader during a gala in the Teatr Wielki – Opera Narodowa in Warsaw on January 26th, 2019. The aim of the contest organized by Business Centre Club is creating publicity for companies which are characterized by dynamic development, achieving very good financial results and engaged in charitable activity and social welfare. Thank you!
Our success can be attributed to a constant development, a continuous search for new solutions and a team full of passionate specialists. Our priorities are: the client’s needs, readiness to embrace the change and following the trends set by the industry leaders. Equally important to us is our social activity – we have organized over 50 free specialist technical workshops EMT TOUR – under the “We share our knowledge” campaign. We also engage in various local initiatives.
Laurel of Innovation 2018
Another significant award for EMT-Systems! The jury of the Laurel of Innovation 2018 competition gave us an award for the KP1 training: Chemoset and thermoset polymeric composites – introduction to polymer chemistry, composite properties and manufacturing methods.
The award was received by Piotr Podgorski – Planning, Organization and Development Director during a ceremony in Dom Technika NOT in Warsaw. The Competition aims to promote innovative products, technologies, services and modern solutions which can influence the speed of social-economical development of Poland.
European Medal 2017
Training section Plastics, which consists of eight innovative courses, has been awarded with the prestiguous European Medal in recognition of its unique and innovative character. It also confirms the dynamic development of the offer.
The prize is awarded by Business Centre Club for products and services meeting highest European standards. The awarded company receives a certificate and a bronze medal.
EMT-Systems CEO and founder Grzegorz Wszołek collected the award during a gala which took place in the Teatr Wielki Opera Narodowa in Warsaw.
Training Company of the Year 2017
The title of the Training Company of the Year is a confirmation of the highest quality of our training services, inluding comprehensive programs and effective training methodology. We are proud to have yet again received the award and established the position of the leader on the training market in Poland.
The award is a proof of our deep engagement and motivates us to further develop our services.
2016 Caesar of Silesian Business
We are happy to announce that we have received another award. On Sunday, 29th of August 2016, CEO of EMT-Systems Grzegorz Wszołek PhD, Eng. personally accepted the statue of Caesar of Silesian Business at the BCC gala in Promnice. It is a great honor and recognition for EMT-Systems that we are particularly proud of.
The aim of the competition is the promotion of local business and regional entrepreneurship by selecting the best firms from the Silesia. It is a unique recognition for leaders of Silesian business and a token of appreciation for their achievements.
The winners of Caesar of Silesian Business are a splendid ensemble of companies known not only in Poland, but also in Europe. They are true ambassadors of the voivodeship; they represent Silesia not only as potentially biggest market, but also as great business intellectual potential that is valued in Poland.
2016 European Medal
Ladies and Gentlemen,
It is our pleasure to inform that EMT-Systems Sp. z o.o. is one of the winners of the European Medal..
On June 8, 2016 in the Grand Theatre – National Opera in Warsaw was held a ceremony of awarding European Medals. The hosts of the celebrations were: Marek Goliszewski, Chairman of BCC, prof. Grażyna Majcher-Magdziak, Chair of the Verification Commissions, Member of the Council of Organizers, General Leon Komornicki and Secretary of State in the Ministry of Development, Minister Jerzy Kwieciński. CEO of EMT-Systems, Grzegorz Wszołek PhD Eng. Personally accepted the Medal awarded for the training „CNC1: CNC operator/programmer”.
European Medal is a Poland-wide initiative that has been organized by BCC for 16 years under auspices of the European Economic and Social Committee. The primary aim of the initiative is recognition and promotion of products and services offered by the companies operating in Poland.
The award that we were given is a proof that the services we provide conform to European standards. We owe it to our international cooperation, introducing training services to international market, dynamic development of the company and most of all to you. Thank you!
2016 Highest Quality Gold Emblem
Ladies and Gentlemen,
It is our pleasure to inform that the Engineering Training Center EMT-Systems has been among winners of the prestigious Highest Quality Gold Emblem 2016!
One of the biggest pro-quality contests Highest Quality QI 2016 is organized under the patronage of the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development, Polish Committee for Standardization and Polish Forum ISO 9000. EMT-Systems received a grand prix in the category Services in recognition of high quality of training services in the area of mechanical engineering. The Program Jury appreciated and awarded our activities and engagement in improving quality management procedures and the efficient quality policy considering its role in all aspects of business activities, and particularly in the services we provide – a subject of the application.
We would like to thank for this great honor – it motivates us to work even harder and make each subsequent course organized in our Center even better!
2016 Training Company of the Year
Ladies and Gentlemen,
We are happy to inform you that the Engineering Training Center EMT-Systems has once again been awarded with the title Firma Szkoleniowa Roku 2016 [2016 Training Company of the Year]. This proves that we are the best choice for technical trainings. This award is the confirmation of attractiveness of the innovative offer of complex trainings for the industry and individual customers provided by EMT- Systems.
The competition jury paid particular attention to our individual approach to Client’s needs and specialist equipment that guarantees the highest quality of provided services. According to the jury, another of our unique features is clients’ needs analysis that enables us to create unique training programs.
We are very grateful for this recognition of EMT Systems. We are proud that the services provided by EMT Systems respond to market needs and are growing in popularity.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
For many years, EMT Systems has been actively working to expand skills and broaden the knowledge of the maintenance, production, technical, implementation and service department employees of Polish and international production companies in order to eliminate the competency gap that is more and more visible on the market. We are all the more pleased that our efforts are noticed by the organizations that recognize companies with outstanding potential, high quality of services and the sense of social responsibility. In February 2016, we received two nominations in competitions selecting the best training companies in Poland and companies reliable in business.
The Engineering Training Center EMT-Systems has received its third nomination to the certificate Firma Szkoleniowa Roku [Training Company of the Year]. Centralne Biuro Certyfikacji Krajowej [Central Office of National Certificaton] awards this title to companies that pay particular attention to the quality of provided services and substantial content of the course programs.
In turn, the program Sylwetki i Marki Polskiej Gospodarki [Brands of the Polish Economy] selects the most reliable companies on the Polish market and demonstrating due respect to each client.
We are happy that EMT-Systems has been recognized in both categories; it proves the complexity of our services and continuous efforts of our entire team to constantly improve the quality of services in our Center.
2015 Leader of Entrepreneurship
Ladies and Gentlemen,
We are happy to inform you that 28th October he jury of 2015 Leader of Entrepreneurship, competition, organized by Fundacja Małych i Średnich Przedsiębiorstw [the Foundation of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises], awarded the companies that stand out in the area of entrepreneurship, innovation and competitiveness on the national and foreign market. The jury also distinguished selected companies for their skillful use of European funds for research and development.
For years, the Engineering Training Center EMT-Systems has been implementing innovative methods of developing their offer and makes every effort to make the provided services meet the requirements of experts from the industry and people who want to expand their knowledge and acquire new skills. We are proud to have been distinguished in the competition Lider Przedsiębiorczości 2015 [2015 Leader of Entrepreneurship], because for us it is the best proof that the efforts of our entire team are reflected in benefits for our clients.
Enterprise of the Future
Ladies and Gentlemen,
On February 25th, in the auditorium of Collegium Novum, at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków, was held a Final Gala of the second edition of the National Business Certification Program ‘Enterprise of the Future’, organized by the Foundation for the Development of Education and Higher Education and the PRC Agency. We are very pleased to inform you that our Center was recognized by the jury committee of the program as “2015 Company of the Future”, and the CEO of EMT-Systems, PhD. Grzegorz Wszołek, received the prestigious award in the category “Promoter of Culture and Science”.
Certificate “2015 Company of the Future” confirms our compliance with the highest standards in the field of management, and management of intellectual capital in particular. We have been recognized as a modern, creative and flexible company that is managed with passion and has a clear vision of the future.
EMT-Systems was listed in the category “a company that employs 11 to 50 employees”. As part of the evaluation procedure, reviewers analyzed the company’s self-assessment questionnaire, information obtained from entities monitoring the credibility of enterprises, messages obtained from external stakeholders of the company and other information about the enterprise. The evaluation of EMT-Systems has been performed by two independent members of the Certification Committee.
It was assessed that one of the strengths of EMT-Systems is a well-developed infrastructure, which plays a key role in ensuring high-quality professional services. Therefore, we fell proud and certain in providing our trainees with carefully designed workstations used during trainings. In the Commission’s opinion, our staff and infrastructure, through their effective use, are measurable value for the company, imply strong demand for its services and allow sharing knowledge and teaching skills that correspond to highly formatted needs in the field of automation and mechatronics. Knowledge, skills and competencies of our employees and trainers were recognized as the indisputable asset of our company.
2014 Training Company of the Year
It is our pleasure to announce that The Engineering Training Center EMT Systems Sp. z o.o. has been awarded a grand prize in the prestigious competition for training companies 2014 Training Company of the Year and 2014 Training Program of the Year!
Every year, jury of the Training Company of the Year and Training Program of the Year contest honors institutions that provide the highest quality of training services, programs adjusted to the needs of the market, professional coaches and training sessions attractive for participants.
This title best illustrates the commitment of our employees and proves their skills and competencies. Every win is a win for our customers and this is why we would like to thank you for your contribution.
Silesian Innovator 2012
We are proud to inform that once again The Engineering Training Center EMT Systems has been awarded for the innovative teaching methods.
This time, our achievements have been acknowledged by the organizers of the conference „Innowacja. Cię rozwija”. On June 26th during the ceremonial gala, EMT Systems has been awarded the title:
the award of the Marshal of the Silesian Voivodeship
INNOSILESIA – it’s a distinction awarded to companies and institutions for the initiatives and actions aiming at stimulating innovations in our region.
The distinction and rights to the brand have been awarded after completing the extensive technological audit.
We feel honored to have been awarded this prestigious distinction.
We would like to thank the Marshal and the Jury for appreciating our efforts.
See photos from the award ceremony.
Results of the 2012 Silesian Innovator contest.
The list of participants in the 2012 Silesian Innovator contest.
National Leader of Innovation and Development 2012
We would like to inform that on 24th January 2013 in the Quotations Room of the Warsaw Stock Exchange the results were announced of the National Leaders of Innovation and Development contest. EMT-Systems was granted the award:
in the category: innovative company and distinction in the category: dynamically developing company.
EMT-Systems has been recognized for the completed investment projects, implemented solutions and using innovative marketing and organizational methods.