NXCAD on Demand
- Order training in Siemens PLM specialized modules:
- NX DW – Die Wizard – Die Tools
- NX SM - Sheet metal
- NX MS - Motion Simulation
- NX AS - Advanced Simulation
- NX LM - Laminat Modeling
- Configure your own training using available Siemens PLM standard modules:
- NX CAD1: Modeling in NX - level 1
- NX CAD2: Modeling in NX - level 2
- NX CAD3: Modeling in NX - level 3
- NX MFF – Modelowanie Powierzchniowe
- NX D – Drafting
- Select modules and their duration according to your needs.
- Acquire and expand specific skills acquired through many hours of practical exercises
Training conducted on NX 2312 software
Read related posts on our blog
NX from the inside – design principlesCourse type
Course level
See the laboratory
- Certyfikat ukończenia kursu w 2 językach – polskim i angielskim
- Educational aids: scripts
- Dostęp do fachowej literatury i czasopism branżowych (dot. szkoleń stacjonarnych)
- Materiały piśmiennicze np. notatnik, długopis (dot. szkoleń stacjonarnych)
- Kompleksową pomoc indywidualnie przydzielonych opiekunów kursu
- Karty Kursantów upoważniające do zniżek w wybranych gliwickich lokalach partnerskich (dot. szkoleń stacjonarnych)
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Closed trainings
More information
Please contact us on:
0048 32 4111 000
should you have any questions on the course you have chosen
Course program

Sample training programs for Siemens PLM specialized modules:
NX DW - Die Wizard – Die Tools / 3 days:
- Introduction to stamping
- One Step Unforming – flattening shapes
- Setting up a new project
- Generator of semi-finished products
- Constructs of semi-finished products
- Designing waste elements
- Designing open-work elements
- Defining open-work arrangement
- Adding and managing blanking die head
- Punching insert design
- Adding inserts
- Creating binding insert
- Managing standardized parts
- Progressive die tools
- Details and end of creator work
- Technical drawing
- Assembly drawing
- Formability analysis
NX SM - Sheet metal / 2 days:
- Introduction, sheet metal bending, conversion of geometry to the sheet
- Miscellaneous objects, structure analysis
- User interface layout
- Adjusting toolbars
- Explanation of the drafting procedures
- Sheet Metal Base Features
- Spreading the sheet
- Bending control
- Bending editing
- Corner editing
- Supplementary elements (cuts, stamping, punching)
NX AS - Advanced Simulation / 4 days:
- Introduction to Advanced Simulation
- Basic mesh generation methods
- Boundary conditions
- Solution
- Post-processing
- Preparing a model
- Geometry idealization
- Linear static analysis
- Modal analysis
- Thermal analysis
- Buckling analysis
- Surface-surface contact and gluing
- MES Assemblies
- Non-linear static analysis
NX MS - Motion Simulation / 3 days:
- Introduction to Motion Simulation
- Simple mechanism animation
- Articulated simulation of the simple mechanism
- Workflow
- Links
- Constraints
- Specialized constraints and clutches
- Drives
- Working with results
- Working with assemblies
- Sprains and silencers
- Forces and torques
- Markers, smart points, sensors
- 3D contact, 2D contact
- Friction
- Load
- Analysis of susceptible objects
- PMDC electric motors
NX LM - Laminat Modeling / 1 day:
- Introduction to composite materials analysis
- Process of assigning physical properties to laminates
- Global layup
- Creating 3D representation of global layups by extruding to a 2D mesh (only Ansys)
- Materials and micromechanics
- Defining plies
- Solutions and post-processing
- Laminate theory
- Limit elastic states of laminates
- Laminate optimization
- Introduction to Advanced Simulation
- Basic mesh generation methods
- Boundary conditions
- Solutions
- Post-processing
- Preparing a model
- Geometry idealization

- Siemens PLM NX 5.0
- Siemens PLM NX 6.0
- Siemens PLM NX 7.0
- Siemens PLM NX 7.5
- Siemens PLM NX 8.0
- Siemens PLM NX 8.5
- Siemens PLM NX 9.0
- Siemens PLM NX 10.0
Software used during the training is adjusted to client’s individual needs.
About us
Our experts
Our tutors are experienced academic teachers from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the Silesian University of Technology. They have been co-operating with Siemens PLM company for many years. As experts in both didactics and industry they are also authors of textbooks and training materials in the field of NX software.
Materiały szkoleniowe

Participants receive a textbook covering the topics and problems discussed during the course as well as a workbook including exercises helping the students to develop practical skills.
- Explore the Siemens PLM NX software, its design, navigation and 3D modeling possibilities
- Improve your skills and learn new things thanks to numerous practical exercises in modeling and using different tools and functions
- Get a certificate proving acquired skills and knowledge
Benefits for participants
- Acquire the skills precisely and individually adjusted to your needs
We guarantee
- Excellent training conditions in a modern and professional CAD Laboratory equipped with PCs featuring the software in a version specified by the client
- Numerous practical exercises by individual training positions facilitating consolidation of acquired knowledge and skills
- Access to attractive teaching aids enabling the students to confront knowledge with practice
- Outstanding lecturers with vast theoretical and practical experience
- Professionalism, reliability and experience of Poland’s largest training center
- Catering – tasty and hot lunches served by Technopark restaurant
In addition each participant acquires
- Professional documentation including numerous examples and presenting the topics in a clear, transparent and comprehensible manner
- Certificate of participation proving acquired skills and knowledge prepared in two languages – Polish and English
Intended for
- Employees who begin working with CAx SIEMENS PLM NX software
- Anyone who wishes to enhance their knowledge regarding SIEMENS PLM NX according to their individual needs
- Workers with basic technical knowledge
- Graduates of the NX CAD1 course
- Anyone interested in gaining specialist knowledge of the SIEMENS PLM NX software
During each training day, participants receive:
- Unlimited access to the Cechownia Cafe coffee bar, serving tea and high-quality freshly ground coffee. The bar is equipped with:
- NECTO Karisma - a professional espresso machine of Italian production.
- THERMOPLAN BW 4 - a professional espresso machine made in Switzerland.
- Two-course dinner - a combination of traditional, home-made flavors with meals served in restaurants.