Programming of industrial robots FANUC – level 2

After completing the training, the participant:
- Is able to analyze an existing program and make modifications to it
- Is able to create programs with dynamic changes in the position of the process, including palletization
- Is able to interact with the user using TeachPendant
- Is able to create programs that support position searching by the robot
- Is able to use processes running in the background at work
Course type
Course level
See the laboratory
day 2 h. 9.00 - 16.00
day 3 h. 9.00 - 16.00
- A certificate of completion
- Educational aids: scripts
- Access to specialist magazines and technical literature (regarding stationary training)
- Writing aids (pen, notebook) - regarding stationary training
- Complete care of idividually assigned customer service person
- Participant Cards with discounts to partner restaurants / pubs in Gliwice (regarding stationary training)
More information
Closed trainings
More information
Please contact us on:
0048 32 4111 000
should you have any questions on the course you have chosen
Course program
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- Professional robotic workstation featuring two industrial robots:
- FANUC AM 100iB
- FANUC A-520i
- FANUC LR Mate 200iD 4s
- Robots controlled by RJ3iB, RJ3iC and R-30iB Mate controllers
- Pre-picking areas and reorientation positions
- Unique teaching aids (tables, grippers, technology tools, and signaling systems) to facilitate practical exercises.
About us
Our experts
Trainings in on-line robot programming are conducted by robotics and automation engineers with a vast experience supported by the completion of numerous implementation projects for the biggest industrial plants.
Our lecturers are also members of academic staff in units of higher education and authors of many publications, books and technical documentations such as: Programowanie robotów on-line. [On-line robot programming] Collective work edited by G. Kost and J. Świder (G. Gołda, G. Kost, J. Świder, R. Zdanowicz): authors of chapter 3: Programowanie robotów Fanuc AM 100iB z układem sterowania zbudowanym w oparciu o kontroler R-J3IB, str. 222-345 [Programming of a robot Fanuc AM 100iB with a control system based on R-J3IB controller]; Wydawnictwo Politechniki Śląskiej. Gliwice 2008, ISBN 978-83-7335-529-3.
Materiały szkoleniowe
During each training day, participants receive:
- Unlimited access to the Cechownia Cafe coffee bar, serving tea and high-quality freshly ground coffee. The bar is equipped with:
- NECTO Karisma - a professional espresso machine of Italian production.
- THERMOPLAN BW 4 - a professional espresso machine made in Switzerland.
- Two-course dinner - a combination of traditional, home-made flavors with meals served in restaurants.