Lab Stations
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View the galleryLaboratory of industrial robots
FANUC robots
- Professional robotic workstation featuring industrial robots:
- FANUC AM 100iB
- FANUC LR Mate 200iD 4s
- Robots controlled by RJ3iB, RJ3iC and R-30iB Mate controllers
- Pre-picking areas and reorientation positions
- Unique teaching aids (tables, grippers, technology tools, and signaling systems) to facilitate practical exercises.
ABB robots
Training courses are carried out in our Training Center in Gliwice. At the disposal of our participants is ABB IRB1200 robot with an second generation IRC5 compact controller and control panel.
Description of robot option:
- Signal and compressed air wires fixes along the arm and routed close to 5 axis of the robot
- Compact version of the second generation IRC5 controller
- 230V power supply, single phase
- Programming panel FlexPendant with a 10m cable
- DeviceNet Master/Slave card
- Input/output card – 16 digital inputs / 16 digital outputs 24V
- Profinet IO Slave
- Robot operation mode switch (ignition) – 2 modes – manual, automatic
- Basic programming package for the IRC5 controller in the latest version RW6
- 608-1 World Zones
Controller software that enables creating, e.g. a cubic zone and in case the robot leaves the zone it will generate the signal, e.g. on the IO card. Software useful for defining the so called home position. - 611-1 Path Recovery
Controller software that enables recovering the path in case of error. In case specific error occurs (e.g. arc time) the robot stops operation for the time of eliminating the error, and then resumes the work where it stopped. - 623-1 Multitasking
Controller software that enables launching multiple tasks – so called multi-threading. For example, one of the tasks controls robot’s motion while the other, independent task controls IO cards acting like simple PLC. - 617-1 Flexpendant Interface
A function of creating graphic operator screens on the FlexPendant screen. - 885-1 SoftMove
Controller software that enables defining static and dynamic robot stiffness – a robot may react like a spring or yield to external forces. - 616-1 PC Interface
Software – controller’s option that enables communication via ETHERNET, for example with a PC. An option useful for integrating the robot with vision systems. - 1342-1 Medium res. Camera + a selected lens (8 mm, 12 mm, 16 mm, 24 mm)
Insight 7200 camera by Cognex. - 1341-1 Vision interface
A camera system is based on Cognex In-Sight® series 7000, but it is also possible to connect any CognexIn-Sight® camera. The camera requires 24 VDC power supply. A set of cameras features IP67 protection, M12 lens with autofocus and build-in flash. Up to 3 cameras may be simultaneously connected to the Ethernet switch.
- 608-1 World Zones
- Controller software that enables detecting collisions, features programmable sensitivity. Having detected the collision, the robot stops and then retreats.
Training courses in programming ABB robots may also be carried out at Client’s premises with the available robots..
KUKA robots
Training courses are carried out in our Training Centre in Gliwice.During the KUKA courses we use original robotics workstations which include the following industrial robots:
- KUKA KR6 R700 SIXX (KR AGILUS) with the latest KRC4 controller
- KUKA KR10 R1420 (CYBERTECH NANO) with KRC 4 Compact controller and SmartPad control panel
Solution used in production processes which include loading and unloading, packaging, welding, fastening, palletizing.
- Max. reach: 0,7 m
- Payload: 6 kg
- Pose repeatability ±0,03 mm
- Quantity of axes: 6
- Weight: 51 kg
- Operation mode: manual / automatic
The robotics workstation is equipped with:
- HMI control panel,
- Siemens S7-1200 controller,
- ProfiNET modules which allow a quick and easy system extension.
Compact design – significantly reduced volume with greater payload capacity and longer reach. This robot is able to work in confined spaces at and in machines or workpieces. With its very large working envelope to the rear and long downward reach. It can work in areas inaccessible to conventional robots and thus has a wide industrial application. KRC4 Compact controller together with the latest software allows for intuitive communication with other devices via ProfiNET and PROFIBUS network modules.
- Max. reach: 1,42 m
- Payload: 10 kg
- Pose repeatability ±0.04 mm
- Quantity of axes: 6
- Weight: 160 kg
- Operation mode: manual / automatic
The robotics workstation is equipped with:
- SmartPad control panel,
- KRC4 Compact controller,
- ProfiNET i Profibus network modules.