IO-Link interface - quick reconfiguration
of the sensor process parameters
Pracujemy na sprzęcie:
- Independent application launching using the communication modules - Profinet - IO-Link
- Configuring the application controlling the parameters of the selected sensor via Siemens TIA Portal software
- Diagnostics of systems using IO-Link interface
Course type
Course level
See the laboratory
- Certyfikat ukończenia kursu w 2 językach – polskim i angielskim
- Educational aids: scripts
- Dostęp do fachowej literatury i czasopism branżowych (dot. szkoleń stacjonarnych)
- Materiały piśmiennicze np. notatnik, długopis (dot. szkoleń stacjonarnych)
- Kompleksową pomoc indywidualnie przydzielonych opiekunów kursu
- Karty Kursantów upoważniające do zniżek w wybranych gliwickich lokalach partnerskich (dot. szkoleń stacjonarnych)
More information
Closed trainings
More information
Please contact us on:
0048 32 4111 000
should you have any questions on the course you have chosen
Course program
- General information, capabilities and limitations of the IO-Link interface
- Identifying the proper powering option, process connections, cabling options
- Basic parameters, system components, essential software
- IODD file support and parameter configuration for optic sensors, flow and temperature monitors, proximity sensors and rotary angle encoders
- Launching the application via Profinet - IO-Link communication modules,
- Independent configuration of the application controlling the parameters of the selected sensor via Siemens TIA Portal software.
Zapraszamy do galerii laboratorium sensoryki i sieci przemysłowych
About us
Our experts
Our trainers have extensive theoretical and practical technical knowledge and are respected practitioners with years of documented work experience and many completed implementation and repair projects. In addition, they provide consulting services and work as experts in drive and control systems for the renowned national trade periodicals. During trainings, their main focus is on passing the knowledge of the real examples they have encountered in their professional work.
Our trainers are open to all suggestions made by the participants. It is very common that during trainings the group discusses the issues beyond the scope of the standard program that cover specific aspects of the students work.
Completed courses also lead to cooperation between EMT Systems Ltd. and representatives of industrial facilities in the following areas: projects, modernization and commissioning of the machine hydraulic systems and technological lines.
Materiały szkoleniowe
- P. de Larminat, Y. Thomas.Automatyka - układy liniowe. Sygnały i układy. WNT, Warszawa, 1983.
- E. Rosołowski. Cyfrowe przetwarzanie sygnałów w automatyce elektroenergetycznej. AOW Exit, Warszawa, 2000.
During each training day, participants receive:
- Unlimited access to the Cechownia Cafe coffee bar, serving tea and high-quality freshly ground coffee. The bar is equipped with:
- NECTO Karisma - a professional espresso machine of Italian production.
- THERMOPLAN BW 4 - a professional espresso machine made in Switzerland.
- Two-course dinner - a combination of traditional, home-made flavors with meals served in restaurants.