Practical aspects of pneumatic systems’ diagnostics
Aims and scope of the workshop:
- Effective power supply of pneumatic systems
- Tools and methods of reducing the costs of compressed air unit’s maintenance
- Development of communication in pneumatic systems
- Using the IO-Link interface and Profinet network to launch the application monitoring the use of compressed air
- Visualization of process values with an example of ifm Smartobserver platform
- Practical aspects of the construction and operation of pneumatic and electropneumatic systems
- Pneumatic and electropneumatic systems in the aspect of Industry 4.0
- 30.09.2016
- 21.10.2016
- 18.11.2016
- 16.12.2016
- 8:30 – 9:00 – registration of participants, distribution of course materials
- 9:00 – 9:15 – official opening
- 9:15 – 10:15 – Adjusting the pneumatic and electropneumatic systems in the aspect of the concept Industry 4.0
- 10:15 – 10:45 – Tools reducting the costs of compressed air unit maintenance:
- effective transmission of compressed air,
- diagnostics of the effectiveness of compressed air end line - 10:45 – 11:30 – break
- 11:30 – 12:00 – Workstation-based methods of optimizing the costs of producing and using compressed air and development of communication infrastructure in pneumatic systems in the light of the fourth industrial revolution
- 12:00 – 13:15 – Effective power supply of pneumatic systems:
- production, filtration and drying compressed air - 13:15 – 14:00 – Lunch break + visiting laboratories of EMT-Systems
- 14:00 – 15:00 – Practical aspects of the construction and operation of pneumatic and electropneumatic units
- 15:00 – 16:00 – Launching the application monitoring the use of compressed air with the help of IO-Link interface and Profinet network
- 16:00 – End of the seminar
Workshop symbol
Media patronage
Number of participants
- Effective power supply of pneumatic systems (production, filtration and drying compressed air)
- Tools reducting the costs of compressed air unit maintenance (effective transmission of; diagnostics of the effectiveness of compressed air end line)
- Workstation-based methods of optimizing the costs of producing and using compressed air and development of communication infrastructure in pneumatic systems in the light of the fourth industrial revolution
- Launching the application monitoring the use of compressed air with the help of IO-Link interface and Profinet network
- Visualization of process values with an example of ifm Smartobserver platform – a comprehensive solution in accordance with the concept Industry 4.0
- Adjusting the pneumatic and electropneumatic systems in the aspect of the concept Industry 4.0
- Practical aspects of the construction and operation of pneumatic and electropneumatic units
What does EMT TOUR mean?
- FREE CYCLICAL training workshops dedicated to the current problems, innovations and practical solutions.
- Renowned experts and lecturers – implementation engineers, designers, automation engineers, mechanical engineers, representatives of manufacturing.
- Topics matching the needs of manufacturing industry and maintenance services – control systems, automation control, drive systems, power hydraulics, industrial pneumatics, CNC machining.
- Content and equipment related engagement of the leading manufacturers: Siemens, Parker, Ponar, Balluff, ifm electronic, Beckhoff, HYDAC, Perschmann.
- Possibility of frequent, cyclical and personal communication with our Center.
- Integration of production plant employees and a group of leading providers of mechatronic components.
- Cooperation with trade magazines such as: Utrzymanie Ruchu [Maintenance Magazine], Służby Utrzymania Ruchu [Maintenance Services Magazine], Inżynieria Utrzymania Ruchu [Plant Engineering].
- Mini trade fair organized by the training room.
- Catering and refreshments.
- Advertising gadgets and surprise gifts.
Photo gallery from the workshop 18.11.2016
Photo gallery from the workshop 21.10.2016
Photo gallery from the workshop 30.09.2016
The first workshop from the series „Practical aspects of industrial systems’ diagnostics” has just finished! Technopark in Gliwice hosted 60 specialists from over 20 companies. We had lecturers from such companies as: Rectus, ifm, 7bar and Emt-Systems with extensive professional experience and technical knowledge.
The meeting was held in a nice and friendly atmosphere. The participants left Technopark with smiles on their faces, hand full of materials and promotional gifts, but most importantly with greater theoretical knowledge and new ideas for practical solutions to the current technical challenges.
See the video and view photo gallery from the meeting below.