Quality assurance
We guarantee the highest quality of training services, perfect organization and comfortable learning conditions in specialist laboratories equipped with modern teaching and multimedia aids as well as unique and learner-friendly atmosphere.
EMT-Systems training offer is constantly developing and the existing training courses are updated on an ongoing basis. The company works on the latest versions of engineering software and uses its own specialist laboratories equipped with proprietary, innovative teaching aids. Signing cooperation agreements with the Silesian University of Technology, Science and Technology Park and The Upper Silesian Educational Center enabled us to gain access to laboratories, specialist machines, devices and equipment used in specialized engineering trainings.
Access to the best specialists, the latest technology and modern laboratories contributed to the rapid development of the company. EMT-Systems has become the Engineering Training Center – the main training center of this type in Poland. The company’s dynamic development is due to professional management, individual approach to each client and precise analysis of their needs.
Why train with us?:
- We are innovative, effective, flexible and fast
- our priority is quality and practical effects, the proof of which are the numerous references we have received
- We value competency, reliability, mutual trust and an atmosphere of cooperation
- We use systematic and advanced monitoring of our services
- We are open to all suggestions, comments and proposals of our clients
- We work with verified, experienced staff who are constantly improving their qualifications
- We place great emphasis on precise modifications of training forms, methods and programs to suit the needs of our clients
- We build long-lasting and based on mutual satisfaction bonds with our clients
Mechanical Engineering Laboratory