Electrical installations in residential and commercial buidings

Course aim:
Acquiring skills in the field of:- Selection of electrical devices
- Design and implementation of electrical installations
- Measurements in electrical installations
Target group:
The training is addressed to people who want to start working as an electrician, as well as people interested in acquiring knowledge of the basics of building electrical engineering. After the training, the participant will be able to independently perform a standard electrical installation in a facility, apartment or house. To undertake full commercial work, you also need electrical qualifications (minimum G1).Course type
Course level
See the laboratory
- Certyfikat ukończenia kursu w 2 językach – polskim i angielskim
- Educational aids: scripts
- Dostęp do fachowej literatury i czasopism branżowych (dot. szkoleń stacjonarnych)
- Materiały piśmiennicze np. notatnik, długopis (dot. szkoleń stacjonarnych)
- Kompleksową pomoc indywidualnie przydzielonych opiekunów kursu
- Karty Kursantów upoważniające do zniżek w wybranych gliwickich lokalach partnerskich (dot. szkoleń stacjonarnych)
More information
Closed trainings
More information
Please contact us on:
0048 32 4111 000
should you have any questions on the course you have chosen
Course program
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To support the practical part, we use elements including: Sinum system - an intelligent smart home system by TECH Controllers. We also use a real proprietary building automation system managing the headquarters of the Training Center - the CECHOWNIA building. The system consists of components from various suppliers integrated in an Open Source application.MULTI-ELEMENT MOCK-UP OF ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION
Students have an individual station at their disposal, which is a model of an electrical installation. During the course, they independently connect individual electrical devices with wires. The training station includes:- Three-phase electricity meter
- TLR-3F counter board (N+PE)
- Surface-mounted switchgear 3x12 modules
- Three-phase residual current circuit breaker, AC 30 mA class
- Single-phase residual current circuit breaker, class A 30 mA
- B+C 4P surge arrester SPBT12-280/4
- Circuit breaker 3P C16, 1P B16, 1P B10,1P B6
- Fork busbar, 1-phase, 3-phase
- AZ-B PLUS UNI twilight automatic
- PCZ-521 weekly programmable clock
- AS-223 staircase controller with anti-blocking function
- BIS-413 230 V bistable relay
- Signal lamp LK-712Y 130÷260 V AC/DC, LK-712R 30÷130 V AC/DC, LK-712B 30÷130 V AC/DC
- LK-713K signal lamp
- CKF-B phase sequence and loss sensor
- LS 40x25 electrical installation strip
- Airtight can PH PG16 75x75x33 5x4mm2
- IP44 hermetic button, bell 10A, white
- Hermetic switches: single-pole, candlestick, stair, cross
- Hermetic sockets: single z/u 16A IP44 white; double made of PE 16A IP44 white
- Fixed socket 16A 5P 400V red IP44
- Traditional 230V white bell
- Ceiling fixture for MR11/GU11 bulbs, square, adjustable – satin
- GU10 socket with cable
- LED light source GU11 2W, 10-30 V DC
- Adler Power Slim mounting power supply 2A 24W 12V FOR LED TAPES AND BULBS
- Channel luminaire, Garage R1, 1xE27, IP44
- Classic bulb 100 W, 230 V, E27
- 2-hole 22mm cassette cassette, gray
- Red safety button drive by rotation without illumination M22-PVT
- Signal lamp head 22mm red IP67 M22-L-R
- White LED lampholder 230V AC M22-LEDC230-W
- Auxiliary contact 1R, mounting on the rear wall M22-KC01
- Power contactor 25A 3P 230V AC 1Z 0R DILM25-10-EA
- Cam switch 0-1 3P 25A in housing
Każdy kursant ma do dyspozycji podstawowe narzędzia miernicze:- Cyfrowe mierniki wieloczynnościowe - do pomiarów napięcia stałego i przemiennego, pomiarów przepływu i oporu napięcia stałego i przemiennego, pomiary przepływu i pojemności
- Próbnik napięcia - do napięć stałych i przemiennych od 12 V do 1000 V AC / 1000 V DC, IP65
Kursanci mają do dyspozycji wielozadaniowe narzędzia monterskie:- Narzędzie do aplikacji tulejek kablowych zgodnie z DIN 46228-4 0,5 mm² bis 2,5 mm² z blokadą wymuszoną, magazynkiem, jednostką tnącą, ściągającą izolację, skręcającą i zaciskającą.
- Nożyce do kabli.
- Szczypce boczne.
- Szczypce do ściągania izolacji.
- Matryce do zaciskania.
- Szczypce kombi.
- Szczypce półokrągłe.
- Klucze nastawne.
- Wkrętaki VDE płaskie: 0,4x2,5/0,5x3,0/1,0x4,0/1,0x 5,5, krzyżakowe: PHO/PH1/PH2.
- Klucze do szaf sterowniczych.
- Zestawy tulejek.
- Noże.
- Taśmy miernicze.
About us
During each training day, participants receive:
- Unlimited access to the Cechownia Cafe coffee bar, serving tea and high-quality freshly ground coffee. The bar is equipped with:
- NECTO Karisma - a professional espresso machine of Italian production.
- THERMOPLAN BW 4 - a professional espresso machine made in Switzerland.
- Two-course dinner - a combination of traditional, home-made flavors with meals served in restaurants.