ESG in the enterprise - the concept of sustainable development in organizational strategy
Course aim:
After completing the training, the participant:- Has comprehensive knowledge and tools necessary to understand and implement ESG strategies (Environmental, Social, Governance) and the idea of sustainable development in the organization's activities
- Is able to identify and manage ESG-related risks, create value for stakeholders and contribute to building a sustainable future
- Has knowledge of the ESG importance and sustainable development in the organization's management model and for business processes
- Knows the trends and expectations of stakeholders towards business in this area
- Is able to define E-environmental, S-social and G-governance areas in the organization and the UN Sustainable Development Goals in relation to his organization
- Knows legal obligations related to ESG: CSRD Directive, CSDD, EU Taxonomy, ESRS
- Is able to recognize the extent to which legal obligations apply to his organization
- Knows the assumptions of the ISO 26000 standard
- Has knowledge of dual materiality, risk and opportunity analysis
- Knows how to avoid the risk of greenwashing in the organization's activities
- Knows how to implement ESG, a sustainable development strategy in the organization
- Knows the costs, benefits and consequences of not implementing ESG in the organization
- Knows how to use ESG activities in communication
- Knows the answer to the question: can ESG areas be an asset and a business opportunity, rather than a burdensome necessity
Target group:
- Entrepreneurs, management staff
- Directors, managers, staff dealing with:
- ESG and sustainable development areas
- areas of environmental protection, occupational health and safety
- production areas, quality, maintenance
- areas of HR, CSR, PR and communication
- People who want to acquire, expand or organize knowledge regarding ESG and sustainable development
Course type
Course level
See the laboratory
day 2, h. 8.00 - 15.00
- Certyfikat ukończenia kursu w 2 językach – polskim i angielskim
- Educational aids: scripts
- Dostęp do fachowej literatury i czasopism branżowych (dot. szkoleń stacjonarnych)
- Materiały piśmiennicze np. notatnik, długopis (dot. szkoleń stacjonarnych)
- Kompleksową pomoc indywidualnie przydzielonych opiekunów kursu
- Karty Kursantów upoważniające do zniżek w wybranych gliwickich lokalach partnerskich (dot. szkoleń stacjonarnych)
More information
Closed trainings
More information
Please contact us on:
0048 32 4111 000
should you have any questions on the course you have chosen
Course program
Basics of ESG and the idea of sustainable development
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Implementation and communication of ESG strategies
About us
During each training day, participants receive:
- Unlimited access to the Cechownia Cafe coffee bar, serving tea and high-quality freshly ground coffee. The bar is equipped with:
- NECTO Karisma - a professional espresso machine of Italian production.
- THERMOPLAN BW 4 - a professional espresso machine made in Switzerland.
- Two-course dinner - a combination of traditional, home-made flavors with meals served in restaurants.