The assessment of conformity of machines and devices against the requirements of applicable directives (terms of CE marking)

Course aim:
- Information on legal regulations (EU and Polish law) regulating the principles of putting machines and technical devices into operation
- The structure of the system ensuring the achievement of the legally required level of operational safety of machines and technical devices
- The scope of permissible changes and modifications introduced by machine users
- Requirements of the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC and related directives relating to manufacturers and constructors of machines and technical devices (including producers of machines and devices manufactured for their own needs)
- Principles of market supervision and control and putting machines into operation
Target group:
- Training dedicated to manufacturers, importers and distributors of machines and technical devices
Course type
Course level
See the laboratory
- Certyfikat ukończenia kursu w 2 językach – polskim i angielskim
- Educational aids: scripts
- Dostęp do fachowej literatury i czasopism branżowych (dot. szkoleń stacjonarnych)
- Materiały piśmiennicze np. notatnik, długopis (dot. szkoleń stacjonarnych)
- Kompleksową pomoc indywidualnie przydzielonych opiekunów kursu
- Karty Kursantów upoważniające do zniżek w wybranych gliwickich lokalach partnerskich (dot. szkoleń stacjonarnych)
More information
Closed trainings
More information
Please contact us on:
0048 32 4111 000
should you have any questions on the course you have chosen
Course program
- Common European Market
- main pillars of the common European market regulating the rules of trade
- role of directives in free trade
- Machines and technical devices on the common European market (safety aspects)
- The security system in the legal requirements of the European Union and Poland
- characteristics of EU directives on machinery and technical equipment
- characteristics of national legal provisions implementing the provisions of the directives
- directives related to the Machinery Directive / complementarity of requirements
- subjective scope of related directives
- Manufacturer of machines and technical devices on the common European market
- role and responsibilities of the manufacturer
- role and responsibilities of the authorized representative
- Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC
- Machines subject to the Machinery Directive / categories of machinery posing special risks
- Other devices (products) subject to the Machinery Directive
- Essential requirements
- characteristics of basic essential requirements
- design criteria in essential requirements
- Technical documentation in the essential requirements - the role and tasks of technical documentation
- Technical risk in design
- requirements characterizing the scope and course of technical risk assessment
- criteria for acceptability of adopted technical solutions
- characteristics of risk assessment documentation
- examples of technical risk assessment application
- Assessment of compliance with essential requirements
- conformity assessment methodology
- conformity assessment procedures
- guidelines and criteria for selecting conformity assessment procedures
- Carrying out the assessment of conformity with the essential requirements
- possibilities of achieving compliance with essential requirements
- presumption of compliance
- Harmonized standards
- specificity of harmonized standards
- practical possibilities of using harmonized standards
- referencing harmonized standards to essential requirements
- National standards in conformity assessment - the role of national standards in ensuring compliance with essential requirements
- CE marking
- conditions for affixing the CE marking
- requirements for affixing the CE marking
- Declaration of Conformity
- guidelines for preparing and providing declarations of conformity
- tasks for declarations of incorporation of partly completed machinery
- Operational documentation - structure and content of operating instructions (ITR)
- Handling of machines (devices and technical equipment) that do not meet the requirements - principles of market supervision and control
- Legal responsibility for putting the device into operation
- Summary, discussion
About us
During each training day, participants receive:
- Unlimited access to the Cechownia Cafe coffee bar, serving tea and high-quality freshly ground coffee. The bar is equipped with:
- NECTO Karisma - a professional espresso machine of Italian production.
- THERMOPLAN BW 4 - a professional espresso machine made in Switzerland.
- Two-course dinner - a combination of traditional, home-made flavors with meals served in restaurants.